
Featured articles

A Diverse Workforce Starts With Diversity In Recruitment

As the corporate world increasingly adopts various initiatives to imbue a more diverse and inclusive culture in the workforce, many a time it begins with recruitment. What is being addressed across diversity within the financial services industry today? Diversity comes in a plethora of shapes and forms, with one key facet continuing to stand out…

ESG Investment Professionals Salary Guide Financial Services 2022

There has been a significant lift in demand for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investment professionals across our clients in funds management, superannuation, asset consulting and policy and advocacy. The rise of awareness across society for ESG issues is having a broad impact and is permeating through to the corporate world. This trend has been…

Leaders in ESG, Kate Griffiths – Executive Manager, Public Policy and Advocacy, ACSI

Introduction and brief overview of career to date. I started out with studying an Arts Degree and returned to university to study Law. I travelled the well-worn path of a few years at a big commercial firm, before moving in-house, spending a significant amount of time working in Governance with a large listed company. How…

Leaders in Funds Management, Désirée Lucchese – Ethics and Impact Manager, U Ethical

Brief overview of your career to date. How did you get your first position in the industry? During the second term of a Masters in European Environmental Policy & Regulation (Lancaster University, UK), I was offered my first job. That spring, I promptly moved to the Netherlands to finish off my MSc thesis while working…

Kaizen Partners With Greenfleet

Kaizen Recruitment is pleased to continue our partnership with Greenfleet to take climate action and offset our carbon emissions through native reforestation. Greenfleet is a leading not-for-profit environmental organisation committed to protecting our climate by restoring our forests. Our contribution will offset 84 tonnes of CO2-e and reduce the impact of our operations on the environment….