Leaders in ESG, Kate Griffiths – Executive Manager, Public Policy and Advocacy, ACSI

Introduction and brief overview of career to date.

I started out with studying an Arts Degree and returned to university to study Law. I travelled the well-worn path of a few years at a big commercial firm, before moving in-house, spending a significant amount of time working in Governance with a large listed company.

How did you get the opportunity to become an Executive Manager (Public Policy and Advocacy)?

Working in Governance at a listed company, I was familiar with the work of ACSI – including the company engagement program. I was drawn to ACSI given its role as a thought leader, with its long-term outlook and evidence-based views.

Can you please provide an overview of your position?

I lead a team that looks after ACSI’s research, policy and advocacy programs. We make sure that ACSI policy positions are well considered, taken from a strong evidence base and reflect the best financial interests of our members’ beneficiaries. We run a research program to help with this, and our team also works to better align the rules governing financial markets with long-term sustainable investment.

During your career have you ever had a mentor? If so, how do you manage this relationship?

I’ve had many informal mentors. There’s always something to learn. I really try to observe the advice, style and approach of those I admire and reflect on how I can improve. While I can take cues from others, I feel I do need to adapt things to my style – for both authenticity and sustainability.

If you could give one piece of advice about developing a career as an ESG Professional within the Financial Services Industry what would it be?

Keep asking questions. There’s so much to learn and so much to do. Inquisitive minds do well in the ESG space. Collaboration is also so important in our industry.  When we learn from each other, we are generally more efficient and get a better outcome.

What do you believe are the attributes that make a successful leader?

Leaders facilitate the success of the team. Give the team the tools and support they need, and then get out of their way!

You have led and managed a diverse and high impact team. What has been your approach to attracting and developing talent?

The employment value proposition at ACSI is pretty compelling – we get to do important, progressive work that makes a real difference to the retirement savings of our members’ beneficiaries. That’s a great position to be in when we are trying to attract talent. However, it can’t stop there. I am very fortunate to work with a talented bunch of people, who are genuinely nice to be around, experts in their field and really support each other to get results.  The entire team is encouraged to contribute their particular skills and perspective, but also extend ourselves in our areas of interest. I have certainly learned a lot over the last few years, and beyond my core areas of expertise. Importantly, we encourage everyone in the team to bring their whole self to work – I particularly enjoy comparing notes on parent-fails (mine are frequent!), pet-training, and cooking tips!

How has dealing with COVID-19 challenged you as a leader in 2020 /21?

It has challenged us all in different ways. From isolation for those who might be working and living by themselves, to others who have the chaos of family life during lockdown. Our challenges were around adapting (quickly!) to make sure we could continue to support our team and our members while working remotely and missing that personal interaction. Not to mention home-learning…I have even more appreciation for teachers than ever before.

What are some of the main opportunities and challenges you see for the industry over the coming year?

As ESG becomes more and more mainstream, there are a wide variety of both opportunities and challenges. The breadth of financially-material ESG issues is increasing so making sure we are appropriately prioritising is important. The urgency of some issues – like climate change – is also confronting. However, there is also opportunity, as momentum for the transition builds. Connectivity with other organisations around the world is also easier than ever before, and that is a great opportunity to accelerate and amplify impact, which all goes to protecting and enhancing the retirement positions of our members’ beneficiaries.

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