Even the best people blow their probation period

So you get an exciting new job and you want to make an impact straight away; that is a great attitude to have but be warned, your new job is not in the bag until you make it through the probation period.

I often come across hardworking candidates with excellent credentials who blow their probationary period because of completely avoidable situations. It can be heartbreaking and costly to leave a stable job for a new opportunity that falls through. It is unlikely you will get your old job back and worse, you may find yourself unemployed indefinitely.

In most employment contracts there is a probation clause of three or six months, even up to 12 months. Naturally, the function of the probation period is for both employer and employee to confirm one another’s expectations before making a full commitment.

Imagine you love your new job, you are on a good wicket and can really see yourself making a difference. This is what you HAVE TO DO to give yourself the best possible chance of going the distance:

Probation period infographic

Probation period infographic

Look for things that are working well

Seek out things that your colleagues are doing well. Many people walk into a new work environment and start highlighting how much better or more efficiently things can be done. Resist the urge to change or improve things right now, you do not have enough background and you do not yet know how your colleagues respond to critical feedback.

Don’t be a know-it-all

This has to do with cultural fit. Show interest in the roles of others and make an effort to listen generously. Don’t offer too much commentary or advice, no one likes a know-it-all especially when they have been at the organisation for 5 minutes.

Don’t watch the clock

Get to work a little early and / or leave a little late. Don’t be a stickler for leaving work at 5.01pm. Your employer has made a significant investment in you. You need to demonstrate you are a team player and your focus is on your work, not the clock.

Be involved with the broader team

If there are social functions, group morning teas or networking events, be involved. Shirking extra curricula or team events is for when you are deemed indispensable. Your probation is the time to show you are someone who goes the extra mile and has a genuine interest in the organisation.

Ask for feedback

Take responsibility for getting your job done right. Ask for feedback before spending hours or days on a task only to find that you have gone off base. People generally appreciate those who are open to critical input. It shows your intention is to get things done to a high standard and that you are not precious.

Don’t ask for perks

Your probation period is not the time to ask for a nine day fortnight, extended holidays, a parking space or whether you can leave early on Tuesdays for yoga. It is also not the time to be getting a ‘migraine’ and calling in sick. Unless it is a serious medical problem or emergency, you need to soldier on and you need to be productive.

Keep your mouth shut

Probation is not the time to challenge management decisions, assert beliefs or highlight processes that are carried out are incorrectly. Some of your colleagues will be interested to hear your thoughts and impressions, but keep criticisms to yourself until you are confident you understand why things are done in a certain way.

Avoid office drama

You are naive to the complicated and historical interpersonal dynamics of the office. Offer no opinion on anything personal or delicate, do not take sides and generally just let drama sail right over you. If you have a personality clash with someone, tread extra carefully.

Entering into any new environment is a phase. Of course be yourself, but be your most ‘effective’ self. Before you do or say anything, ask yourself whether it is an ‘effective’ action ‘at this time’. Next thing you know, you will be passed your probation period and will have a few runs on the board.

Best regards



Matt McGilton Director


Kaizen Recruitment specialises financial services recruitment across funds management, wealth management, superannuation, investment consulting and insurance. We are based in Melbourne and Sydney. For assistance or further information please telephone our office at +61 3 9095 7157 or submit an online form.

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